Updates…updates…updates…We’ve Been Busy

ToolZ! Coming We’ve been working on updates to all of our apps.  Currently in the works are all Flash Cards apps, BurpZ!, PasswordZ! and new to the lineup is ToolZ!  

Looks for Flash CardZ! MATH soon.

Help us help you, if you would like to see a flash card app tell us, we’re up for anything!

Flash CardZ! Alphabet now on Windows Phone 7

We have officially launched Flash CardZ! Alphabet and Flash CardZ! Alfabeto Windows Phone 7.

If you don’t have a Windows Phone 7, you can browse our Apps using Bing’s Visual Search. Just enter the App Name in the Search and you can view screenshots.

Visual Search – Flash CardZ! Alphabet

Visual Search – Flash CardZ! Alfabeto

WP7 OS enhancements I would like to see in the next version

As a Windows Phone 7 User and Developer, I really do like the new  WP7 OS.  It still have some catching up to do. The Apps will come, but I’ve listed a few things I’d like to see in the next OS update. 

  1. Ability to sync and overlay shared Calendars. As of now, I don’t believe this is possible. At least I haven’t seen a way of setting this up on the Phone. If anyone has any tricks, please reply to this post.
  2. Custom Ring Tones.  I personally like to pick actual songs as my ring tones. Having the ability to pick songs /sounds files that are in my Music Hub would ne nice. pet
  3. Another feature missing is the ability to download Podcasts/Videos from Web Sites directly into the Music & Video Hub, so I can play them later when I’m not on WiFi.
  4. Mobile WiFi Hotspot and/or Tethering. This is a must for me.

-Devaron Ruggiero – BustedAppZ! Developer

Windows Phone 7 – Big Buttons!

3 Screen ShotsMicrosoft calls them tiles I call them big buttons. 

So far we really like the new phone OS by Microsoft.  The long-awaited replacement to Windows Mobile, a virtual Zombie in the mobile phone market.  As an owner of many Windows Phone devices including the Motorola Q, I faced a lot of disappointment in the pace that Microsoft was moving to this new OS.  The development team at Microsoft is essentially “FRESH”, they simply replaced many of the old Windows Mobile team members with people who had a clue. 

Now as a developer I couldn’t be happier.  Microsoft (I almost said Apple) is providing an amazing set of tools for mobile app development using the same languages that most MS developers already know.  Silverlight seems to be one of the most popular since it will run across multiple platforms including PC and XBox.  I can tell you that MS has had excellent turn around on app approval, we have waited weeks with Apple in the past and so far MS has taken care of our reviews in under 48 hours.  We all know MS isn’t always thinking of us, the small developers and maybe niche user but I think things may be changing for them.  

Honestly, I’m still an Android user on a day-to-day basis mostly because I want better hardware and more storage.  I don’t want to get stuck with an 8gb phone or SD card issues (go Google that).  I found a really great video on YouTube with a full description of the OS, answers to some development questions and of course a run through of a bulk of the new OS.     Please thank @chrispirillo on Twitter, make sure to follow both of us!

iCamera By Apple With Built In Phone!

Apples latest product release has been all over the news, for a good reason, it’s AWESOME!

This amazing new camera has features that no other digital camera on the market today can compete with.  Complete with Wi-Fi, 3G, spell check, and over 200,000 apps the new iCamera is a device from the future.  No kidding, with our DSLR just sitting here on my desk, staring at me, wondering when, when will it get used again.  The answer is I’m not sure.  It’s not just the camera in this device that looks so good, it’s all the control you get along with it, it’s the screen that let’s you view the photos (and video), it’s the amazing battery life.

I think once again Apple has out done itself with this device.  I’m no Apple fan-boy either, in fact I still use a Nexus One as my main camera (and phone).  A lot of people have posted photos taken with an iCamera (or as you may know it iPhone 4) and posted them on Flickr, check them out and remember this, the best camera on the market today is the one you have with you!

iPhone 4 Looks Like First Generation iPod

2010 - The "New" iPhone4
2001 - First Generation iPod

As some of you may know I have owned all 3 previous versions of the iPhone along with half a dozen iPods.  Let it be known that I love Apple products, in fact I use them every day but not everyone is honest can love something and have an honest opinion about it.  Side by side with my HTC Nexus One I can tell you it’s a good fight.  In many ways HTC & Android have worked hard to catch up to the iPhone but it seems that up until last week Apple had some catching up to do.  The new iPhone 4 with iOS is super fast, takes fantastic photos and multi-tasking seems to work OK.  If AT&T and Apple could figure out their coverage issue and get a fair price plan in place for tethering I would make the switch.

Apple finally released a kick ass new phone, too bad it looks 10 years old!  There is no way I’m the only person out there who thinks this.  It just goes to show you, you can’t judge a book by its cover.  Honestly it’s what’s under the hood that counts.

This Is What The iPhone4 Should Look Like

So it’s faster, has a ton of RAM, takes great photos, has 2 cameras, and only drops calls if you hold it with your left hand.  My real issue is it just looks old and clunky.  Check out the photos for yourself.

24 Hours With An iPad :-)

As developers for the 3 major smart phone platforms (iPhone, Android and Windows Phone) we really shouldn’t show favoritism, and we’re not.  The truth is we need our iPads are for development and testing (mostly) and this was a business purchase.  Now time for the honesty, I can’t seem to put this thing down!

Every time I pick my iPad up I still expect to learn something new.  As a current owner of an iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 2G and most recently a Nexus One my expectations were high, well guess what so far, in my book, Apple has a “home run”.

Here at BustedAppZ! we see a lot of gaming potential and that was my first focus.  I started with 3D games like Real Racing HD and Gameloft’s Real Soccer 2010, they are both nothing short of stunning.  Not only are they clean and well designed applications, the iPad has crisp, vivid colors and the graphics processing in this thing is amazing!  My 16-year-old son had me go to multi-player in Real Soccer and we didn’t even need a wi-fi network, it used peer-to-peer bluetooth.  At this point the accelerometer and the large screen size makes games like this enjoyable even for a 37-year-old.Apple store employee, they were fast!

My next test was going to be video so I installed the ABC Player app and used the trusty YouTube app (pre-installed).  Keep in mind for the first 20 hours I owned this thing I was using public wi-fi or tethering with my Nexus One, so bandwidth wasn’t the best.  Other than the normal buffering issues (due to bandwidth) the video looks unbelievable.  We should all applaud ABC for offering such an awesome app on launch day (did I mention it’s free?).  Dont think that your going to launch the ABC app and get an episode lineup of old, out of date programming, it’s all current!  In fact the first episode I watched on it was one of our families favorite shows, Modern Family (the iPad/Birthday episode).  Well done ABC.  The YouTube app is a lot like the one on the iPhone or iPod touch, it allows you to search for any video or browse through the featured and top rated ones.  Pretty standard by todays terms but honestly beautifully designed and implemented.

Up next was possibly my biggest challenge, getting my wife to understand why these things exist (guys, you understand).  I quickly went out and got Facebook (the iPhone version) and Epicurious (a pretty amazing food/cookbook).  She doesnt cook very often since she’s a vegetarian and prefers raw food so I went on a hunt, beyond Apple’s Featured list and found WordSearch Lite HD.  Her initial feedback was pretty much what I expected, in our house technology seems to flow in and out on an almost daily basis.  One of her first questions was “is this something we’re going to have for 2 months and then you’re going to get rid of it?” my response was an honest one “probably” and “remember it’s for business so it will be at my office during the day”.  I knew I was in trouble at this point. 

FYI most Apple stores have them in stockIn a bit of a panic I launched “iBooks” and started to explain to her what it was.  She uses and iPhone too so I handed her the iPad and she proceeded to search for one of her “Raw” books, they had it!  Over the next few minutes she browsed the sample version of the book.  It seemed intuitive to her, easy to read and wow she could read with the lights off (lucky me!).  Next thing I knew we were hiking back up 5th Ave. with the hopes that Apple was not sold out.  Needless to say we got on our flight home to LA with 3 iPads between us.

To wrap up I think the question for anyone out there who is on the fence about getting one of these things I can help.  Let’s step through this logically.  Here are some questions (and answers) you need to ask yourself:

  • Do I want one? (duh, YES)
  • Do I need one? (probably not)
  • Do I want one? (yep, even more now!)
  • Can I shell out the $500 bucks and still make rent? (you have to answer this one)
  • Is it really just an iPhone (or iPod touch) but bigger? (No Way! You can’t play great 3D games on an iPhone, easily view .PDF’s on your iPod Touch, watch movies in HD on that old thing, and don’t get me started on how cool the Weather Bug HD app is)
  • Will this replace my computer? (hmm, my wife asked that and it’s a loaded question.  Simple answer is NO, but honestly once you set your iPad up, sync your photos and music you can pack that computer up and store it because the iPad is so convenient you will only use your computer for business from now on, HONESTLY)
3 Days Before Launch!
Me and Greg Packer @ Apple 5th Ave.

OK keep in mind that the title of this post is “24 Hours With An iPad” there’s a reason for this.  Today is Easter but it feels like Christmas!  All this may wear off in a couple of weeks but the truth is the iPad is well-built, fun to show off, has excellent battery life (10-12 hours), thousands of simple & useful apps and is so portable I’m trying to decide if it will make it to the gym with me this week.

–Take a minute and install our apps on your iPad, they really look great, even at 2x view–

This Is Only A Test (post from iPad)

So I’m going to give this a shot, no guarantee how it turns out. I’ll keep it short since I’m still getting iced to the keyboard. Included in this post is a few screen shots of the iPad.

First you’ll notice 2 of them are game, not BustedAppZ but a lot of fun. My son and I had multi-player action going on our flight home from New York last night. These 2 games allow you to connect and compete, no wires attached!

Next you’ll see a shot of my desktop. I really wanted to show the icon layout and also a cool background. Thanks to many free desktop image apps (a lot of them are free), the one I installed is called “Backgrounds HD” and it has some great images.

Shortly I’ll be posting a full review but damn you Steve Jobs, you did it again! (note to reader, I’m honestly no Apple fan boy)

–this was written using the WordPress iPad app

Greg Packer Still Toughing It Out

5th Ave. NYC StoreIt’s getting pretty cold here in New York, it’s after 10pm just 11 hours until the Apple store will re-open and be selling iPads.  I hate to keep talking about the iPad but I have to admit that the energy around here is incredible!

I spoke to Greg Packer, officially the first person in line for the iPad (in the US I believe) for the third time today.  Every time I see him he’s being interviewed by someone in the press.  It’s pretty fun being a part of all the hoopla going on here at Apple’s flagship store.  (I just looked up and he’s out of line wondering around the store, what are the rules for this?)  Spirits are high and the buzz is insane, personally getting the actual iPad isn’t as exciting to me as all the stuff leading up to it.  Gizmodo is due to arrive tomorrow morning with goodie bags for the first 50 people I hope to be one of them.

Hopefully we’ll have some time to load up a bunch of apps, videos and really check out the iPad.  Look for a quick review tomorrow night!

Mobile applications made fun! iOS, Android & Windows Phone